Barton Haven

Shipping and shipbreaking at New Holland, Barrow Haven and Barton Haven

Barton Haven

Postby northeast » Thu Aug 09, 2018 5:42 pm

Interesting mixed bag of small vessels in Barton Haven today, must confess my first look there despite having been in the area since 1968!
For FERRY QUEEN as earlier entry
Here are the rest
Unnamed, mabe ex MFV?

INGA NESS, handy work boat


Barge showing R 35 on bow

Barge 'R 35' maybe ex Gilyott & Scott due to green paint?

BRAGE VIBEKE ... could it be off the tanker of that name 1989-1993 and scrapped in 2003??
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Re: Barton Haven

Postby TEESMAN » Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:05 am

Photo C.W.Tully
BRAGE VIBEKE in Lake St Clair in 1989
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Re: Barton Haven

Postby northeast » Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:37 am

Thanks Michael, she doesn't seem to carry anything like the Barton boat and I notice now that it has a rivetted hull so could be quite old. But somehow someone has given her that name although it also looks now like Isibeke or Ijibeke! Bit of a mystery really!
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Re: Barton Haven

Postby northeast » Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:50 am

Thanks to Les Reid, the barge is the former No.35 of Joseph Rank, Hull, completed in 1932, 129grt by Richard Dunston, Thorne. She later passed to Gilyott & Scott as R35. Chap on board said he is converting her to a houseboat for a London owner.
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Re: Barton Haven

Postby shipbroker » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:27 pm

Thanks for these picks... I was a Ships Agent on the Humber 1976 -1979,although based in Immingham looked after vessels on South Bank & Trent ports as well...and acted as a cargo super in Hull & Goole etc; etc;

Barton at the time had a few small vessels,again some ancient as above,however, I remember doing a cargo job on one that was brought into the river bank outside the Haven and some locals brought a crawler crane along the bank top to grab discharge. Oh we have done this before was the answer to why here?....."they have done this since the Middle Ages!"

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Re: Barton Haven

Postby northeast » Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:29 pm

Geoff, yes but in 1960-70's there was also a jetty running out into the Humber, I think just to the east of the Haven entrance, and handling imports for a local works, can't quite remember what it did. Might have been potash imports.
You may be thinking of the Barton Clay Pits berth a little further east, run by the Fosters who then moved to Alex Dock in Hull in 1990 when it re-opened after the Dock Labour Scheme ended. I remember going down there once in my car through thick mud! You can still see it on Google Earth.
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Re: Barton Haven

Postby Patrick Hill » Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:31 pm

Barton jetty was still going in the early 80's George, I remember seeing coasters there from the bridge, all way out of range. IIRC it was an ICI works for fertiliser.

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Re: Barton Haven

Postby northeast » Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:46 pm

Thanks Patrick and yes that would be potash then for the fertiliser. Now you mention it, I do remember seeing it from the Bridge. Must have been fairly limited on draft, mainly small German coasters from memory.
Just checked and the only 'Barton' entry in my diary is the Sietas-built POLARIS of 1965, on 16/07/1970, I think more likely on the Jetty than the Clay Pits.
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Re: Barton Haven

Postby shipbroker » Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:37 pm

George, the name Fosters brought it back in memory...certainly it wasn't a Jetty just a clay bank!

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Re: Barton Haven

Postby northeast » Sat Aug 11, 2018 6:01 am

Well, enough rudimentary 'jetty' to get about half a ship length alongside and take the weight of the crawler crane and trucks. They had a lot of complaints re the trucks passing through the older part of Barton, probably with a lot of mud on their wheels! Darral Foster was the owner when they moved to Hull.
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