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PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:27 pm
by teesships
BELLA (5355632), Panama, 582gt,
Launched 4-1943 and completed Landskrona 9-1943. However, entered service 7.45.
1943 RONNSKAR - 1956 TENTO - 1964 BELLA - 1970 HOODA - 1972 RABEHA - 1975 OMID - 2005 DARYA DELAN 2
Recorded as still in service - nearing 70 years afloat!

Seen on the Tees by Albert Weller:
The tanker SCOTTISH HAWK in the background will feature separately later.
See also comments on the use of the BELLA and her sister ANNA at: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=3486&hilit=anna (bottom posting by Tony Compton)


PostPosted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 6:40 am
by northeast
Gosh, back from the dead, I had her as 'deleted by LR' as OMID in 1998. Still in Equasis as you say.