
Ports, shipping and comments related to the VERA series


Postby northeast » Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:51 pm

As a new series of VERA has started and, like NEM, all the action is on the North East coast, I thought it might be an amusing diversion to comment on ships, ports and any other vaguely marine related items seen in the series.
For example, I can never quite make out where Vera is based .... presumably in or near Newcastle? .... but boy does she have some ground to cover. Episode 1 seemed to cover the full range, from Bamburgh Castle to The Stray at Redcar (inc. a quick view of the old cafe once run by Chris Rea's family). The deceased girl shared a flat which I'm sure was mentioned as being 'in the city' but the view from it showed a wide expanse of river with a Svitzer tug making a well-timed pass .. I think South Shields on the far bank.
No doubt more ship-spotting in coming episodes ....
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Re: Vera

Postby Whickham » Thu Jan 17, 2019 9:24 am

I can't remember the "Police station" in the last episode but in previous episodes they have used the old Swan Hunter office block at the bottom of Swan's Bank. I used to work in there from 1972 to 1980.
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Re: Vera

Postby Whickham » Mon Jan 21, 2019 11:08 am

Last night's episode was based in Amble, with bits of Newcastle thrown in.
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Re: Vera

Postby northeast » Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:59 pm

Thanks Dave, I was about to check Google Earth as I guessed Amble ... a spot I visited VERY briefly around 12 years back, rows of terrace houses and the boatyard at the end, we did not linger for long! The road behing the dunes and the beach scenes were probably the bit just north of the harbour, labelled Warkworth beach?
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Re: Vera

Postby northeast » Thu Jan 31, 2019 5:28 pm

Nice one this past week, left Newcastle to call on a man working at Hartlepool but that was the Hartlepool that has the Supply Base next to north side of the Transporter ... which they then crossed in order to get back to Newcastle :roll:
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Re: Vera

Postby Whickham » Fri Feb 01, 2019 10:39 am

Yes and the boat sailed up the Tyne to the stately home for the bbq, but where was that? On the Tees maybe?
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Re: Vera

Postby northeast » Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:20 am

Oh I thought you had posh places like that at Whickham!

How about Preston Park Museum, has its own landing stage and looks right to me. ... tjfd5=h720
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Re: Vera

Postby creemaster » Sun May 03, 2020 5:10 pm

She has a rival with a name beginning with V and who lives on a houseboat in Amsterdam
Van der Valk!
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Re: Vera

Postby magoonigal » Sat May 09, 2020 10:10 am

For those of us who remember the original, Van der Valk its not quite the same, although there is a very slight reminder in the theme tune............ Detective shows always have to be sooooo complicated these days. I'm sticking to Father Brown.

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Re: Vera

Postby Hornbeam » Mon Sep 21, 2020 6:50 pm

Looked for her down Paddys Hole today no sign, the place looked like a Caravan Park with all the Motor Homes parked up on the Gare, nice day.
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