Postby teesships » Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:08 pm

ANGLO-BRAZILIAN: 7486gt, 28.1.1913 laid down and 2.10.1913 launched by Short Bros. Ltd., Sunderland (yard no. 381); 13.12.1913 completed for Nitrate Producers' S.S. Co. Ltd. (Lawther, Latta & Co. - managers), London. 1915 sold to Union-Castle Mail S.S. Co. Ltd., London, and renamed CHEPSTOW CASTLE. 7.4.1932 while laid-up in Rothesay Bay dragged anchor and went ashore at Toward Point. 10.5.1932 sold and arrived Port Glasgow to be broken up.

Photo from TEESSHIPS archives, origin unknown, but contributed by Dave Martin:
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