Built for Wm. Brown, Atkinson of Hull, better known as shipping agents in later years. They had her for only 2 years but she went on to have a long life.
1936, 4974grt, Doxford economy tramp
Wm. Doxford & Sons, Sunderland (628) as SKIPSEA for The Sea S.S. Co. (Wm. Brown, Atkinson), Hull
1938 CROMARTY. B. J. Sutherland, Newcastle
- At Vancouver
1954 OSTBRIS, Red. A/B Bris (J. Larsson), Stockholm
1958 CARLA, Red. A/B Petra (J. E. Manne), Gothenburg
1959 STECKENPFERD, VEB Deutsche Seereederi
- Coll. Wolfgang Kramer
1968 PELOPIDAS 2, Cyprus
Arrived Kaohsiung for breaking 6/1973