Speaker or volunteer wanted!

For all ships built on the Wear.

Speaker or volunteer wanted!

Postby northeast » Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:34 am

E-mail from Age UK at Sunderland:

"I work for Age UK Sunderland and am thinking about starting a social group for people who worked in the Sunderland ship yards. We are looking at starting a fortnightly get together and aim on getting a small group together which will hopefully grow.

We will target socially isolated older people to begin with but the groups will eventually be open to anyone over 50.

Is this something you would be interested in getting involved with? Perhaps a guest speaker or providing a quiz / or anything we could use for reminiscence activities? "

If anyone thinks they can help, I can supply contact details.
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Re: Speaker or volunteer wanted!

Postby Whickham » Wed Jan 09, 2019 7:51 pm

Hi George
NO I'm not volunteering, but there are a couple of Facebook sites where I "know" the moderators (or whatever they are called). If you could email me the original email I could email them and see whether it is picked up on the Facebook pages.
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Re: Speaker or volunteer wanted!

Postby northeast » Thu Jan 10, 2019 7:18 am

Thanks Dave, I would have hoped there is someone around Sunderland who can offer some help, even if it's just a one-off talk or quiz.
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