FRANCOL - 1917 photo CELEROL

FRANCOL - 1917 photo CELEROL

Postby northeast » Mon Feb 18, 2013 2:54 pm

1917, 2607grt, oiler
Earle's S.B. & Engineering, Hull (624) for The Admiralty
Sunk by air attack and shelling on 04/03/1942, 300 miles south of Java, Batavia for Fremantle
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Re: FRANCOL - 1917 photo CELEROL

Postby E28 » Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:48 pm

The attached image is without doubt the finest of any merchant in their war paint i have ever seen.
She is on the Firth of Forth passing two Queen Elizabeth class battleships. Taken in late 1917 or 1918.
"Not passed by censor" just adds that something.

However, it is a real shame this is not the Francol.

This RFA is the Celerol.

Needs to be in Short Brothers, Pallion, Sunderland.
Yard no 410. Launched 23 March 1917
ON 140348
BU from 17 July 1958, P & W McLellan, Bo'ness.
Thats all folks. Sean.
Posts: 220
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Re: FRANCOL - 1917 photo CELEROL

Postby E28 » Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:45 pm

The image of CELEROL, not FRANCOL, in lead post is identical to the dazzle design proposed for her in 1917.
The colours used are predominantly blues / greys, with the large panel beneath the bridge and the longer diagonal strip a pinkish white.
This starboard side bears no resemblance to port which is much simplified.
The scheme, applied by Shorts at build is Order No 93.

Thanks for correction E28, have added the name into titles so that it shows up in searches, also will use the photo in our developing Sunderland site.
Thats all folks. Sean.
Posts: 220
Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:14 pm
Location: Near Conegar Lock.

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