Postby creemaster » Sat May 31, 2014 6:30 pm

Recent photograph posted on Shipspotting shows an interesting conversion to Hull built tug, Motorman
Was around Hartlepool in the 1980s as Anglianman and Clevelandman ... id=2044810

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Postby northeast » Sat May 31, 2014 6:38 pm

Well spotted.
Strange rendition of her builder, should be Humber St. Andrews, on the slipways at west end of the old SA Dock.
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Postby creemaster » Sun Jun 01, 2014 5:43 pm

Hi George
Even I could not fail to miss it as it was on the live feed as pictures are posted on the site
Looked at it and thought it was a funny one so clicked on her and heh presto - actually I think Presto was one of Pelton SS Co. Ltd's and nothing to dow ith Safeway or Morrisons :D
Looks a lot bigger than when I saw her as Anglianman and Clevelandman
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Postby tidesman » Thu Oct 24, 2019 11:45 am

MOTORMAN twin screw tug.
O.N. 305779. 98g. 83' 9" x 24' 1" x 10' 10"
Two, 6-cyl. 4 S.C.S.A. (8¾" x 11½") Blackstone EVS6M type by Blackstone & Company Ltd., Stamford, single reverse reduction geared to twin screw shafts. 920bhp. 10kts. 11 tons bollard pull.
6.3.1964: Keel laid by Humber St. Andrews Engineering Company Ltd., Hull (Yard No. 6) for United Towing Company Ltd., Hull.
15.12.1964: Launched.
17.2.1965: Registered at Hull.
20.2.1965: Completed.
21.1.1970: Owners restyled as United Towing Ltd.
1974: Humber Tugs Ltd., appointed as managers.
17.3.1978: Owners restyled as North British Maritime Group Ltd., (same managers).
1984: Sold to Roger Klyne Shipping Ltd., Lowestoft and renamed ANGLIAN MAN.
1984: Transferred to Klyne Winnie Tugs Ltd., Lowestoft.
1988: Sold to G. Beezley, Hartlepool and renamed CLEVELANDMAN.
1989: Sold to the Colne Shipping Company Ltd., Lowestoft and renamed ETA .
2003: Sold to Eta Srl, Rome and converted into a yacht.
2003: Tae Marine, Gibraltar (Mediterranea di Navigazione Srl, Rome, managers), under Italy flag.
12.4.2014: Seen at Savona-Vado, Italy, named BULLY (unsure if thus named during conversion)
10.2019: Still on SeaWeb as “No longer meets IHSF Criteria”, since 5.8.2004.
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