RNSPD Eaglescliffe (formally Urlay Nook Aircraft Recover Dep

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RNSPD Eaglescliffe (formally Urlay Nook Aircraft Recover Dep

Postby Hornbeam » Fri Jan 21, 2022 6:13 pm

I was over Eaglescliffe way today and noticed the last vestiges of the former RN Spares Depot have now gone namely a huge and fairly new Office Block which was built at great expense for the Digital Age/Spares ordering.
The Yard started life as a Recovery Centre for crashed aircraft of all Nationalities during the War and carried on Post War Scrapping redundant aircraft/Surplus airframes, the place was huge and even had its own Railway Station and Sidings, extremely Labour intensive with Airframes stacked at least three high along with the Smelters in two T2 Hangers, quite a Site/Sight.
The aircraft recovery was then shutdown and the RN took over the T2 Hangers which were converted into storage sheds and the place overhauled and stored RN Ship Spares including boats, the whole place was run like a ship with various Messes/Clubs.
It was then decided that the Navy had no use for this facility and it was disposed of eventually after a few hiccups for Housing.
How the Developers got permission to build housing beggars belief as there are Radio Active hotspots in there which as far as I am aware have not been cleared out, when I asked one of the Developers ( John Prescott's Son) about the hotspots and putting housing on them his answer was "we are not putting houses on them but turning those areas into green areas" I thought he was taking the Mickey.
Stockton Council must be desperate to increase their Rate portfolio to allow this development to go ahead.
The end of an era where the RN at onetime provide employment for its Disabled Vets who had priority.
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