E Coast R.N. Named Ships

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Re: E Coast R.N. Named Ships

Postby E28 » Mon Dec 16, 2024 7:50 pm

Taikoo dockyard H K.jpg

Taikoo Dockyard & Engineering Co of Hong Kong Ltd was developed by Swire being completed in 1907 with the whole having to be approved by the British Admiralty with the intention of serving the C N Co fleet amongst other expansionist interests. All credits in attachment as stated.

With the T E Bangors they were contracted to build a pair with 2 more by H K & Whampoa, needless to say with the fall of the Colony in december 1941 all 4 fell into Japanese hands whilst still on the stocks, were duly completed much modified and saw service under the flag of the rising sun.

10 years previously Taikoo yno 260 was launched 20 feb 1932 as a steel single screw tug for the Commissioners for the port of Rangoon in British Burma for towing services on the Rangoon river, of 147.5' length x 32.87' breadth x 15.56' depth her engines were also constructed by Taikoo contract 194 from Scottish forgings, the s.s. Chinthe was 432 tonnage with confusing grt's of between 550 and 667, registered on 154066 in her home port.
Thats all folks. Sean.
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Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:14 pm
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Re: E Coast R.N. Named Ships

Postby E28 » Wed Dec 25, 2024 12:23 am

Christmas day 1942, friday 25 december the situation in the European theatre, Mediterranean and North Africa is amply illustrated here, full credits to c holder ...

Med december 1942.jpg

where Seaham and other 14th minesweeper flotilla ships having conducted hasty trials and work up in northern waters had left the UK in early 1942 heading down the west African coast, round the Cape of Good Hope, up the east African coast, Red sea, all the time being called upon to keep assorted channels clear, through Suez and then heavy involvement in the Med with assault and channel sweeping, convoy escort and relief becoming indispensible in these still hostile waters where most RN Bangors would serve, 5 being lost in total, all in the med.

This month would see the new 600 ton Italian sommergibilie Bronzo conducting trials, at home coastal U class P49 having completed trials commenced her first patrol off Norway on the 23rd, same date as sister P48 left Malta never to be heard from again becoming a rare Christmas day statistic with all 34 men. 6 unnamed RN U class submarines, the same size as the Italian 600 tonners, were sunk, like the 5 Bangors all in the deceptively calm but taxing Med waters. The RN's P222 and P311 were also sunk close to the date P48 disappeared, the only unnamed S and T class boats respectively lost again taking all their men down.
Thats all folks. Sean.
Posts: 231
Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:14 pm
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Re: E Coast R.N. Named Ships

Postby Hornbeam » Thu Jan 23, 2025 4:28 pm

Looking back at the Bangor Class Minesweepers the Diesel powered HMS Bridlington Post War was laid up for a short time at West Hartlepool but re-enlisted very quickly into the RAF dropping the HMS and any Armament along with any other “bits and bobs “ not required for her new Role as a HMAFV to take up her duties replacing the War weary Wooden built RAF Rescue Craft and being “Cost Effective “ ( lost count of this terminology in todays world) the Crew being reduced from RN 6 Officers, 77 Men Warloading to 4 Officers, 48Men Cold Warloading their first job being Rescue Craft under the stream of Aircraft during the Berlin Airlift.
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Re: E Coast R.N. Named Ships

Postby E28 » Sat Feb 08, 2025 7:23 pm

The 14 MSF by july '43 comprised Seaham and 3 turbine Bangors, Boston, Cromarty and Poole, all actively employed in the mid Med region as the tide turned against the Axis forces, sweeping and escort duties continued apace, anti submarine duties and the capture of Italian submarines were not,strictly speaking, part of their operational orders.

Through the inter war years the Italians built an impressive fleet of assorted sommergibilie (submarines), which on 10 june 1940 when they joined the conflict numbered 115 in total, only the Russians had more. The largest group was the Bernardis 600 ton type, the final class comprising 13 Acciaio boats including Bronzo.

The RN submarine P49 was renamed Unruly in feb 1943, Winston was most insistent all British subs had a monocle rather than a number, and having completed 1 patrol in home waters was sent to join the fray in the agreeably warmer Med waters where during her 5th patrol on 11 july sighted Bronzo sufaced, carried out an attack loosing 4 fish, which alas, all missed.

Bronzo had scarcely 24 hours remaining under the Regias flag when off Syracuse she surfaced amongst the 14 MSF ships to be warmly greeted by hot lead from the accommodating sweepers. This was never going to end well, Seaham fired 4 x 3" with 3 hits, 40 x 2 pdr, 650 x 0.5" and 12 x 20mm oerlikon, Boston loosed 7 x 3", 50 x 2pdr and 120 x 20mm with numerous hits between them.

Bronzo lowered her ensign to be secured alongside Seaham...
Seaham - Bronzo capture secured.jpg

The capture of enemy warships in WW2 was uncommon, your adversary would invariably sink unlike the wooden walls days, the aggressor always worth capturing for the bounty.

Bronzo was the 3rd Italian submarine captured in action by the RN, none proved of operational value under the white ensign.
Thats all folks. Sean.
Posts: 231
Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:14 pm
Location: Near Conegar Lock.


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