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Foy Boats

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:36 pm
by Western Quay King
One of the traditional trades on the Tyne is that of Foy Boatman and despite the many changes that we have seen that employment continues to this day.

Foy Boats have been associated with the North East coast for at least 300 years and still exist on the Tyne, Blyth and Wear. Originally their main job was to assist sailing ships into and out of the rivers in periods of calm or when winds weren’t in the right direction. The Foy’s would tow the sailing ships for a fee which was where the name Foy comes from.

On the introduction of steam ships the Foy’s moved with the times and offered a service in mooring and unmooring vessels at their berths. This was carried out by Foy Boats which were sail and oar powered.

The Foy Boatmen now carry out the role of assisting vessels with their moorings, albeit now in Foy Boats which are powered by engines. However their boats still follow traditional lines with being of a narrow beam and heavily built to contend with the knocks that they take. Traditional painted black with a broken line of white paint at their ‘boot tops’.

Blyth Boatmen have a web site @

These are photographs of a Foy Boatman arriving at Western Quay, North Shields on 13th July 2012 to assist with the mooring of HMS Tyne.




Re: Foy Boats

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:29 pm
by teesships
Don't want the Tees Licensed Foyboatmen's Association Limited to feel they are being ignored!


Re: Foy Boats

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 5:09 pm
by Whickham
A Foy boat speeds past the ERACLEA having helped with the various mooring and towing lines. 06/09/2017

Foy boat.jpg

Re: Foy Boats

PostPosted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 9:23 am
by Whickham
A foy boatman capturing the action 08/01/2018

Photo by Kevin Blair

Re: Foy Boats

PostPosted: Wed May 23, 2018 5:38 pm
by creemaster
And here are two Blyth Boatmen, they have dropped the FOY and the go under the name Blyth Boatman, speeding back to base in the South Harbour on 17th May
Their website is :


2 foy boat men.JPG